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#thegoodstuff food

spot alert: fábrica coffee shop | lisboa

Does the world, and specially Lisbon, need another hipster coffee shop? As a coffee lover, my answer is bring it on but (there is always a but), please, make it worth my money since Portugal has never been short…

#cityguides travel

spot alert: dear hotel madrid

I’m the living proof that social media are changing the way we travel. During my last trip to Madrid I’ve elected Dear Hotel after seeing it on several Instagram feeds that I follow for tips and inspiration. Located on…

#restaurants food

food alert: olivia te cuida | madrid

Olivia te Cuida (Olivia takes care of you in Spanish), in the hood of Malasaña, is in business since February 2009 but I went there for the very first time only a few months ago. It’s a wonderful tip…