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spot alert: the mill | lisboa


They serve the best Arabica espresso in town — as it should be: balanced, aromatic and with a very vivid citrus essence. Hallelujah! Since my last trip to Colombian coffee triangle (comprising the regions of Pereira, Manzanales and Armenia), a few years ago, I was dreaming of a legitimate Arabica espresso — I’m sorry to say that in Portugal the Robusta variety (used primarily in ground coffee blends) is by far dominant — and I finally got it in Lisbon,…

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#restaurants food

spot alert: nicolau lisboa

One time was not enough, so I went more than once to Nicolau Lisboa, in Baixa (Downtown Lisbon, between Rua da Prata and Rua dos Douradores) to be certain of my impressions towards it. Thumbs up for the idea…

#thegoodstuff food

spot alert: fábrica coffee shop | lisboa

Does the world, and specially Lisbon, need another hipster coffee shop? As a coffee lover, my answer is bring it on but (there is always a but), please, make it worth my money since Portugal has never been short…

#talkofthetown travel

spot alert: potato head hong kong

If you are into design and architecture, you probably know Sou Fujimoto for interventions like the 2013 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion in London or, more recently, for his collaborating with COS on a Forest of Light installation during Milan Design Week. What you probably don’t…