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city guide dubai: more than just a stopover | mais do que apenas uma escala


Last november I traveled to Dubai invited by Emirates (those who follow me on Instagram knew that already, right?) — the very same airline that, just in 2016 and 2017, has moved something like 56 million passengers (and served over 200 000 meals per day on board, having in mind the different habits and requests all over the world). Is this impressive or what? More than just a stopover between flights, the largest carrier in the Middle East is determined to…

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#cityguides travel

spot alert: dear hotel madrid

I’m the living proof that social media are changing the way we travel. During my last trip to Madrid I’ve elected Dear Hotel after seeing it on several Instagram feeds that I follow for tips and inspiration. Located on…

#cityguides travel

porto: my insider’s tips | roteiro rápido

1. Passeio dos Clérigos The shopping and restaurant gallery on rua das Carmelitas was not a favorite of mine at first glance, I admit, but now I’m totally adapted to it. What I like the most about this modern structure…